söndag 14 december 2008


Tomte 5"Lady of the Lake har utfärdat en tomteutmaning efter att M berättat om vad som närmast kan anses vara en tomteinvasion. Jag är inte sen att anta utmaningen och har smugit omkring i huset med kamera på jakt efter tidiga jultomtar. Och ser man på: bakom sovrumsgardinen stod en yrvaken tomte och plirade! Han var inte speciellt sällskaplig och muttrade något om en dålig hårdag då jag drog fram kameran. I ärlighetens namn ser han nog ut att behöva en rejäl hårinpackning. Jag fick i alla fall ta ett snabbt foto framför ljusstaken innan han drog sig tillbaka bakom gardinen."

Hälsningar, SIV
"Lady of the Lake has imposed a tomte-challenge after M told her about what could be considered as an invasion by gnomes - in her home. I am not the one to hesitate to accept the challenge and therefore I have been sneaking around the house with my camera in search for early christmastomtar. And behold: behind the bedroom curtain a dazed tomte stood and peered at me! He was not very sociable and muttered something about having a bad-hairday when I picked up the camera. In all honesty he seems to be in need of a thorough haircure. At least I had the opportunity to take a snapshot of him in front of the chandelier before his retreat back behind the curtain."

Greetings, SIV

... to be continued... fortsättning följer...

4 kommentarer:

M sa...

Vilket praktexemplar! Tomtarna här blänger svartsjukt på den yviga och eleganta hårsamlingen!

Lady of the Lake sa...

Yepp. The beared is beyond exraordinary! And did You have a look at the gingerbread-boots he's wearing? Might have been a motorbike rebel when he was younger, don't You think...?

Anonym sa...

that looks great :)

Lady of the Lake sa...

He's a real Samson - I think his greatest strength is in his hair! Wonder if he was ever accompanied by a Tomte-Delilah? ;-)