tisdag 16 december 2008


Tomtar 10"Dear Annika,

I tried to find some gnomes for you, but it was more difficult than I thought. Here in Germany, we know gnomes only from Ronja Räubertochter or fairy tales from Island. Especially Christmas gnomes are very, very rare. Only some malformed Santa Clauses resemble these objects you desire. Cought some of them for you, though.

"Kära Annika,

Jag försökte hitta några tomtar åt dig, men det var svårare än jag hade trott. Här i Tyskland känner vi till tomtar enbart från Ronja Rövardotter eller sagor från Island. Speciellt jultomtar är mycket, mycket sällsynta. Endast några missbildade julgubbar liknar dessa typer du eftertraktar. Jag fångade in några åt dig i alla fall.

Hugs and pre-christmas-greetings!"/ Kramar och för-jule-hälsningar!"

... to be continued... fortsättning följer...

4 kommentarer:

Anonym sa...

Det börjar kännas som att min tomte står ut från mängden :)

Lady of the Lake sa...


There sure is something very, very, very, very special about Your tomte, Tomas. Your tomte in particular. It's odd. But don't worry - just keep calm and the confusion will pass... ;-)


What is it with You german men! You're not the first to claim it's hard to find tomtar/gnomes in Your country, and then You bring me some anyway! ;-)

I really appreciate the first image a lot - it looks like a dream from the Nutcracker or something - and I think it would make a beautiful postcard. :-)

M sa...

Fun looking gnome!

Lady of the Lake sa...

This "muppet-gnome" impresses me, too. He's more clever than he looks, trying to blend in with the witches, dragons, hardrockers and wizzards like that... ;-)