måndag 22 december 2008


Tomte 29 ANDI

6 kommentarer:

Lady of the Lake sa...


larsekorre sa...

Vill bara säga att jag har 71 ekorrar! Kommer ni i fatt?

Lady of the Lake sa...

You have 71 squirrels, Lasse? But no tomtar? I'm SOOOO disappointed... ;-)

Of course we will catch in on You! If not this year then the next!
/Klart vi kommer ifatt! Om inte i år så nästa!

Anonym sa...

it looks funny with this winking eye :)

Anonym sa...

Thats also my "problem": I'm a pagan but i like to visit churches and make photos of them :)
my passion are churches, ruins, castles and graveyards :)

i never maroon a lakemaid ;)

Lady of the Lake sa...


Indeed a funny looking gnome! I winked back but I don't know if he noticed. :-)

Ah! No marooning of lakemaids... should I feel safe now? :-D