tisdag 16 december 2008


Tomte 12"Vår överste hustomte meddelade att han tyvärr enbart har möjlighet att övervaka oss per distans i år. Själv har han beslutat sig för att fira på Hawaii. Han tycker det blir bäst så. Aloha!

"Our superior hustomte (house-gnome) announced that he will only be able to superintend us from a distance this year. He, himeself, has decided to celebrate Christmas on Hawaii. He thinks it's really for the best. Aloha!"


... to be continued... fortsättning följer...

4 kommentarer:

Lady of the Lake sa...

Har han månne gått i landsflykt p g a den pågående tomtejakten? / Is he maybe in exile because of the on going gnomehunt?


Tack för ditt bidrag, Maria!/ Thank's for Your contribution, Maria!

M sa...

All tomtar in exile like to go to warm places! ;-)

maria sa...

Or maybe he just got tired of the same old porridge & ham every year, and decided he wanted a hawaii pizza instead? We don't know...

Lady of the Lake sa...


What?! I must remind You, dear M, that some of these rascals never elope farther than northern ostrobothnia! ;-)


Now that You mention it... yeah... and the lutfisk is not a necessarity either, if You ask me. ;-)