söndag 7 december 2008

Runaway tomtar!

In Scandinavia there's a belief that Santa Clause has a crew of tomtar - no, not ordinary garden gnomes! - to help him out in the production of christmas gifts and in checking out the behavior of kids - the nice kids are of course the ones to get the largest presents... But have You ever wondered about what runaway tomtar are up to, while obviousely NOT being of assistent to mr Santa? My friend M in LA knows! For some reason they've all moved in with HER! ...

4 kommentarer:

larsekorre sa...

Hmm vad var det för film där tomten åkte runt i hela världen....

Lady of the Lake sa...


Ja, tänk vilka oklanderliga filmsnuttar man kan vanhedra genom att göra dem tillgängliga året runt... ;-)

M sa...

I'm sure there must be more of these types of disobedient, eh I mean independent thinking tomtar -- even in Österbotten! Fess up people, where are you hiding your "conscientious objector tomtar", and what are they up to? Photos please!

Lady of the Lake sa...

Yes, I actually know a lot of families where huge armys of eloped and disobedient tomtar has moved in and totally taken charge of the Christmas celebrations! - but maybe some people are a little ashamed to admit how bad the situation really has become? ;-)

If there is anyone out there brave enough to photograph the tomtar they run into in their own home or closest neighbourhood - send the photo to lakealike@live.se and I promise to post it - You can of course remain anonymous if You wish to!
M undrar alltså om det inte finns fler förrymda och olydiga tomtar hemma hos andra människor också. Personligen misstänker jag att flertalet hushåll kanske occuperats av dessa rebeller så till den milda grad att folk inte längre vågar erkänna hur illa det verkligen är ställt! ;-)

De som vågar erkänna sina svårigheter och är modiga nog att fotografera dessa julmarodörer - sänd ett foto till min mail: lakealike@live.se, så lovar jag att publicera bilden. Du kan naturligtvis förbli anonym om du så önskar!