Jag har tillverkat en äng åt mig själv. Ansåg att jag behövde en. Den är bara 2x2m, men det är en äng. Dom här är först ute och dom är många. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I made myself a meadow. Figured I needed one. It's just 2x2m wide, but it's still a meadow. These are the first ones to arrive and they're many.
And to all the english speaking readers of this blog: I think the only person on earth who can create a Meadow like this is my beloved friend: Lady of the lake.
Så KUNDE det ha varit - men den här gången har du fel, fel, fel! Därmed inte sagt att den RIKTIGA förklaringen håller streck för vad som kan anses gravt normalt heller! *skratt*
Jag är speciellt nöjd med den första bilden - ser nästan ut som en målning, eller hur!
my little apartment has no ground. sadly there are no allotments here like at home(UK)for me to rent for my own flowers and vegetables. I would place a plant or two on the balconey but the 100 degree (F) weather here would surely shrivel them away. thus I think I will just enjoy your little garden if you do not mind. thank you!
Cornflowers. Gosh, they are probably the most magical wildflowers of my childhood just because they were so rare. They only grew in a field near my grandparents' house. The bright blue colors. And sometimes the reds appeared too. They grew in a field a bit larger than yours, right next to a large mink farm. But I looked with my eyes, not my nose... hehe!
Oh, I'm sorry to hear You're in lack of a garden. Balconys are ok - but only if You're allowed to sow a meadow on the floor of them! ;-)
You're welcome. There will soon be another "meadow report", I think.
Same experience here, but without the minkfarm (thank god!). Wild cornflowers are even more rare nowadays I think (at least in our region) but when I was little they grew in the fields by the lake where I used to stroll around with my grandfathers sister. Her eyes looked exactly like blue cornflowers and the blue ones are still my favourites. I tried to count all the different colour variables growing in my own meadow though and ended up at 12! That's not what it said on the package, but I'm more than pleased with the "misfortune". :-)
8 kommentarer:
Ahhhh (Och nu är jag lite elak)
Du gjorde en äng=orkade inte klippa gräset?
Underbart. Dit kommer jag gärna och lyssnar till hur insekterna surrar innan jag somnar in och drömmer de skönaste av drömmar..
And to all the english speaking readers of this blog: I think the only person on earth who can create a Meadow like this is my beloved friend: Lady of the lake.
Så KUNDE det ha varit - men den här gången har du fel, fel, fel!
Därmed inte sagt att den RIKTIGA förklaringen håller streck för vad som kan anses gravt normalt heller! *skratt*
Jag är speciellt nöjd med den första bilden - ser nästan ut som en målning, eller hur!
Komsi-komsi och drömsi-drömsi. *flin*
Darling Ch,
... and to think You are not even aware of my motives this time...!
*smiles and hugs*
my little apartment has no ground. sadly there are no allotments here like at home(UK)for me to rent for my own flowers and vegetables. I would place a plant or two on the balconey but the 100 degree (F) weather here would surely shrivel them away. thus I think I will just enjoy your little garden if you do not mind. thank you!
Cornflowers. Gosh, they are probably the most magical wildflowers of my childhood just because they were so rare. They only grew in a field near my grandparents' house. The bright blue colors. And sometimes the reds appeared too. They grew in a field a bit larger than yours, right next to a large mink farm. But I looked with my eyes, not my nose... hehe!
Oh, I'm sorry to hear You're in lack of a garden. Balconys are ok - but only if You're allowed to sow a meadow on the floor of them! ;-)
You're welcome. There will soon be another "meadow report", I think.
Same experience here, but without the minkfarm (thank god!). Wild cornflowers are even more rare nowadays I think (at least in our region) but when I was little they grew in the fields by the lake where I used to stroll around with my grandfathers sister. Her eyes looked exactly like blue cornflowers and the blue ones are still my favourites. I tried to count all the different colour variables growing in my own meadow though and ended up at 12! That's not what it said on the package, but I'm more than pleased with the "misfortune". :-)
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