Jag har verkligen mycket att lära.
"Don't ever complain" he says. "Complaining is like praying for things You don't want. Why would You do that? Stop complaining and ask the universe for what You DO want instead."
I sure have a lot to learn.
9 kommentarer:
Och precis i den anklagelsen har han bekänt sig själv skyldig till det som så starkt finns hos honom och som han därför inte vill se hos dig.
Livet är genomskinligt.
There's a fine line between the fine lines and to see the really fine lines You've got to read between 'em.
Let me first say that your blog entries often make me think (which is a good thing, lol!) The whole complaining thing is something I have battled with and still do.
There is something to be said for positive thinking. That and humor. And hope!
It is easy to complain, and yet it does so little to change things. It's a daily struggle to get rid of it when it sneaks up with its comforting shroud.
I have learned a thing or a dozen from these Americans I surround myself with every day:
being friendly helps! And yeah, it might begin as a semi-forced morning hello or a thank you or a smile -- but it's communication. And it leads somewhere. And people want to be noticed and cared about. And yeah, they want to hang out together and complain, lol, which is very therapeutical. But then, when the complaining fest is over it's time to stick that pitchfork back into the earth and keep digging. And when we look up every once in a while we see that we're not alone. In fact, few of our problems are unique.
Again, I really enjoy your introspective thoughts. We share all of these feelings with you.
"Stop complaining and ask the universe for what You DO want instead." - There are times to complain and then there are times to act. But it is how should we act that is sometimes lost in the translation of our soul to our mind.
Sometimes our purpose is occluded and maybe, just maybe, the fear is that if we spend so much time worrying or complaining we will miss the small hints and signposts that will give us understanding what the Universe would like from us.
Alas this from a man who is still grasping at straws trying to figure out some humans let alone the Universe.
thanks for clarifying my thoughts
Sometimes 'tis complaining that makes us change our actions..as if not complaining is ignoring it. I guess you could call it "good complaining" :)
I do believe in energies and that what we put out will return to us. So it is up to us to change the energies.
Good energies and peace of heart to you my dear!
Ps Beautiful photo.
Det är ok att klaga, bara man sen gör något konstruktivt (eller åtminstone något mindre destruktivt). Kram
Hjärnan klarar inte av budskap som "ska försöka, borde, kanske, eventuellt, såvida...".. Det är dubbla budskap.. Utan den ska ha klara kommandon och klara besked som "gör, lyft, gå, spring, tvätta, städa.. etc".
DVS ett beslutsamt program. Alltså inte att jag "försöker" lära mig det:-) Utan jag lär mig.. jag är och vill och väljer..
To all of You, dear friends!
- THANK YOU for sharing Your thoughts on this issue! Someone told me a while back: "You're always afraid of doing the one thing You want the most." Maybe I'm also afraid of getting what I want, and thereby afraid of asking. Complaining is easy, 'cause You can complain without ever making Your mind up or without making a decision. Spoken wishes are at least to some extent statements and with statements come responsibility.
AND of course, if You make a wish there is always a risk of disappointment - by complaining there's usually not much to lose You haven't already lost... ;-)
Guni's comment was interesting from a psychological point of view: the brain can not handle messages like "I'll try, I should, I ought to, maybe..." a s o. Paradoxes complicate things. The messages need to be be clear, like: "do, walk, lift, clean..."
Good conclusion!
"I am, I want (to) and I choose (to)!"
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