söndag 2 november 2008


(klicka på bilden för större format/click image for enlarged version)
softpastell/soft pastel 41x54 cm

"Det är en Klimt-kvinna" säger han. "Eller också är det två hippisar i en höstack" fortsätter han "och i vilket fall som helst förstörde du hela målningen med den där svepningen".
Ja, det är en Klimt-kvinna utan Klimt och två hippisar utan flowerpower, men mest av allt är det ändå bara jag som försöker försonas med att måla människohud på grönt papper.
"It's a Klimt-woman" he says. "Or two hippies in a haystack" he continous "and anyway, You've destroyed the painting by adding the sweeping".
Yes, it's a Klimt-woman without Klimt and two hippies without flowerpower, but most of all it's just me trying to come to terms with painting human skin on a green sheet of paper.

Complementary music suggested by [Matha]

13 kommentarer:

Anonym sa...

this little things are rune stones. the celts use them for divination. also other ethnic groups.

Lady of the Lake sa...

Must be the smallest rune stones I've ever seen! They're a little bit bigger up here - and not so pink! ;-)

Anonym sa...

i believe in things around us, that we cant see, feel or hear. i'm not ignorant, maybe crazy and brave, but i believe not in all the things, the bible tells us.
i think, i believe more in the pagan rituals ;)cos, these peoples be in line with the nature and need no bible, who tells you, what you have to believe.

i hope, you understand what i say... cos my english isn't very good :)

Lady of the Lake sa...

I answered in Your blog, W!
- and Your english is just fine!

Anonym sa...

Dear Anni,
the warm atmosphere in your painting makes me smiling

Lady of the Lake sa...

Ya, it's kind of cute, isn't it? It was really annoying trying to create something on a green surface that wouldn't end up looking like offsprings of the Incredible Hulk , but I think I manage to avoid the worst pitfalls... ;-)

Anonym sa...

I think, cute is not the right word in my mind...
would say lovely

Anonym sa...

why too much respect? i have respect for humans not respect for a job or a confession. i hope, you know what i mean.

btw: the picture... you made it? its great. it looks a little bit like a "klimt". klimt and mucha are my favorite painters :)

Lady of the Lake sa...


Thank You! :-) I wanted to find some suitable music to go with the pastel for this post, but couldn't make my mind up. Any suggestions?


Interesting cross-blog-discussion going on here, and all because of some cute little rune stones...
Thank You! Yes, I made the painting, I finished it early this morning. I like Klimt too, but I really think the only obvious recemblance is in the colour of the female's hair... ;-)

Anonym sa...

Pagan Poetry? I'm not sure if you like Björk
( includes the discussion here )

Lady of the Lake sa...

Yes, I do! I like Björk very much, I love the song and I even like the original video , although I know some people consider it violent.

Thank You! Good idea. :-)

Anonym sa...

violent - because of the body piercings?

nevertheless, it's fascinating!
or should I say bewitching?

Lady of the Lake sa...

Bewitching is probably the best description, yes. :-)
You know, I actually blogged this video by Björk some time ago but deleted it because of reactions towards the piercing scenes. I have nothing against piercings - or tattoes for that matter - I've even had (and still have) a couple myself and I think it's ok to question and provoke to some extent, but personally I don't want my blogvisitors to feel too uncomfortable. Your YouTube-suggestion is provocative in a way that suits the situation much better. ;-)