fredag 31 oktober 2008
måndag 27 oktober 2008
lördag 25 oktober 2008
my personal saint

Here, some music - too beautiful really! - to go with my impious statements. On the other hand, when wondering about the story behind the lyrics of this georgian song, I happened to find following explanation: "Actually, the singer tells us that he was walking down a small river and met a pretty woman holding a pitcher on her shoulder. He said something to her and she got mad and moved aside from him. That's the whole story."
If You recognize the choir it is to be found also in "Hello earth" by Kate Bush!
fredag 24 oktober 2008
Meadow/3 (delayed)

"Jag har tillverkat en äng åt mig själv. Ansåg att jag behövde en..."
It's not exactly the time of year one would normally blog outdoor plants - at least not in this country. In a couple of weeks I guess we will have experienced the first snow for the season and for quite a few mornings already there have been devious layers of black ice on the roads. All the more reason I say, to bring in some summer and at the same time complete my meadow report.
"I made myself a meadow. Figured I needed one..."
torsdag 23 oktober 2008
tisdag 21 oktober 2008
ehkä ensi elämässä
(Improvised translation of the lyrics can be found in the commentary field of this blogpost)
måndag 20 oktober 2008
fredag 17 oktober 2008
onsdag 15 oktober 2008
söndag 12 oktober 2008
gnomes in the attic*
"... den lilla visan 'Lingonben' skrev jag en gång som parodi på de allra larvigaste barnvisorna. Ungar älskar den" - Povel Ramel
Bluff och Spark och Tork och Kvark
voro sex små dvärgar.
En var ful och en var glad
och en var dum i huvet.
Hej, sa Kvark till lille Tork.
Känner du igelkotten Pilt?
Han som har varit i Paris?
Ja, det gjorde Ivar.
Hör du hans lilla runda tass
när som han trippar på sitt pass:
Tripp och trapp och trypa.
Se hans lilla piga!
Tomtefar i skogens brus
sitter som ett päron.
Han har inget eget hus
allt i sin stora näsa.
Söt och blöt är sagans fé.
Trollen är bjudna hit på té.
Det lilla trollet! Pass för de!
Nu ska mormor bada.
Väva och spinna natten lång,
prinsen är här i fjorton språng!
Hopp och hipp och huppla,
hästen heter Sverker!
Stora slottet Drummeldimp
ligger bortom fjärran.
Dit får ingen komma in,
som ej kan baka struvor.
Gyllenkrull och Sockertipp,
kom, ska vi dansa häxan våt!
Vill du mig här, så har du nåt.
Sov du lilla tryne.
Kungen är full av stock och sten,
skogen är full av lingonben.
Per är full av tomtar.
Hur ska lillan orka?
"Lingonberry legs"
"... this little song 'Lingonberry legs' I once wrote as a parody of the most silly children songs. Kids love it." - Povel Ramel
Bluff and Kick and Drier and Quark
were six small dwarfs.
One was ugly and one was happy
and one was stupid in his head.
Hi, said Quark to little Drier.
Do you know the hedgehog Lad?
He who has been to Paris?
Yes, Ivar did.
Can You hear his little round paw
when he trips along while on guard:
Trip and Trap and Tryp.
Look, his little maid!
Father gnome in the forest's noise
sitting like a pear.
He does not have a house of his own
hence, in his big nose!
Cute and wet is the fairy of the fairytale
The trolls are invited here for tea.
That little troll! Watch out for it!
Now grandmother will take a bath.
Weaving and spinning all night long;
The prince will be here in fourteen leaps!
Hop and hip and houp la!
The horse is named Sverker!
Large castle Bungling Fall
lies beyond remote.
No-one may enter,
that can not bake fritter.
Golden Curl and Sugar Top,
come, let us dance the witch wet!
Do you want me here, then you have something.
Sleep, You little snout!
The King is full of logs and stone,
the woods are full of lingonberry legs.
Peter is full of gnomes.
How will Lillan (little girl) manage?
* we have an expression in Swedish: "tomtar på loftet" - gnomes in the attic - wich is a metaphore explaining strange things that might be going on in someone's head...
fredag 10 oktober 2008
måndag 6 oktober 2008
in his blanket
söndag 5 oktober 2008
Never tear us apart
lördag 4 oktober 2008

fredag 3 oktober 2008

for now

när förtvivlan
övergår i förståelse
och det förnämsta sättet
att fortsätta
älska någon
är att upprätthålla
torsdag 2 oktober 2008

(Congratulations and thank's to Matha for her great taste in music!)
a small attempt to fight boredom
Aren't they cute? And ugly? And silly? And strange? And angry? And funny? However, best of all: the cartoonist Rune Andréasson seems to have kept up the Carta Marina-tradition in drawing maps!
... or am I the only one to see the similarities?
Please, help Bamse and Little Hop find their way back to the ship by following the NICE and HAPPY fishes. (You can go diagonally aswell)
onsdag 1 oktober 2008
Since when
"In Carta Marina there appears to have been a shift in projection, so that areas with good connections have been placed relatively close to one another".
Yes! That's the way to draw a map! Connections and relations before distance - I like that thought. I like it a lot.
Sedan när har Norden blivit så trist och tråkigt? Så här såg det ut år 1539, enligt Carta Marina. Säg mig, vart har alla sjöodjur och skojiga fiskar försvunnit? Och varför har moder Finlands högra fot blivit så liten sedan dess?
"På Carta Marina verkar projektionen ha förskjutits så att områden med goda förbindelser har placerats relativt nära varandra".
Ja! Så ska en karta ritas! Förbindelser och relationer framför avstånd - jag gillar den tanken. Jag gillar den mycket.