måndag 27 april 2009

sleepyhead with a waspish temper

Det har varit mycket varmare de senaste dagarna och våren tycks ha kommit även till de norra delarna av Europa. Marken är dock på sina ställen fortfarande riktigt kall och medan jag skyfflade undan några gamla och torra blad under spireabuskarna beslöt sig den här lilla sömniga krabaten i sin randiga kostym att åka snålskjuts på min hand, ut ur skuggorna och upp i solljuset. För en stund bara satt han där, till synes alldeles lugn och lydig, och jag lyckades t o m ta dessa foton... men inte länge förrän solen och det varma vädret fick fart på honom igen ...

... och JA, jag blev tvungen att SPRINGA!
It's been a lot warmer the last couple of days and spring seems to have arrived even to the northern parts of Europe. The ground is still really cold though, and while shoveling away some old and dry leaves from underneath the spiraeabushes this little sleepy fellow in his striped costume decided to cling on to my hand in a attempt to get a lift out of the shadowlands and up into the sunlight.
For a while he just sat there on the wooden terrace, seemingly calm and obedient and I even managed to take these photos, but not for long until the sun and the warm weather woke him to his sences...
... and YES, I had to RUN!

5 kommentarer:

Propaganda sa...

Have you ever noted that wasps are more aggressive here in the North than they are in southern Europe? I think that's a tad weird. In souther Europe they are like flies, totally harmless, but here, they BITE! Or worse - chase you!

Lady of the Lake sa...

Fortunately I've never come into contact with many southern european wasps so I would really not be able to compare... but maybe they are more religious, restrained or moderate there? The wasps? Like the mosquitos where before the fall of man: drinking only fruitnectar!
Yes, that must be the case.


Nirak sa...

Wood for the house of the year;-)

Wortman sa...

great pictures of the wasp :)

Lady of the Lake sa...


Building houses for people seems far more complicated and takes a lot more wood. I could move in with this little cutie if it wasn't for his bad temper... ;-)


Thank You, I like them too, especially the last one. :-)