tisdag 9 september 2008

wilderness in a cage

11 kommentarer:

Anonym sa...

Once more I try to set a kommentar .. I hope ..

You'r PHOTOS are allway sooo beautifull .. I like them.

Anonym sa...

Once more I try to set a kommentar .. I hope ..

You'r PHOTOS are allway sooo beautifull .. I like them.

Anonym sa...

OK .. I see

Lady of the Lake sa...

Thank You very much, Karin, and well done! You succeeded! I hope to see You around also in the future, and I will continue to visite Your inspirational web-blog!

Anonym sa...

Vad det där är har jag ingen som helst aning om. Har aldrig sett något liknande.

Du måste nog fråga en biolog.

Lady of the Lake sa...

Vi hade trädgården fullsmockad med dessa ett tag, men sen hade jag aldrig tid eller tålamod att följa med i utvecklingen. Jo, någon inspunnen larv är det ju förstås frågan om, men det är en rätt raffinerad liten guldbur den tillfälligt häckar i, eller hur!

Nirak sa...

You make me fell like happy .. : )
with:" I will continue to visite Your inspirational web-blog!

and to this:"I hope to see You around also in the future" >>> I say:" For shure!!!"

Nirak sa...

Karin = Nirak ;)

Lady of the Lake sa...

I found the Nosferatu-movie at Your cyberplace and really enjoyed it! Besides I want to keep an eye on what "Joulupukki" is up to this time of year. He should be in Rovaniemi working really hard right now but he seems to like it more in the cyberhood visiting You! ;-)

Anonym sa...

This is a very beautiful song and an interesting video! The rhythm goes step by step with the picture-change.
I like it, thanks for showing!

Lady of the Lake sa...

Yes, I like it too. Especially the last refrain/climax. :-)