In the year 2003 I felt a sudden urge to change my haircolour, and thus was the difference in the way the world responded to me immediate and huge. Every old cliché and concern I had ever stumbled across regarding how blondes are perceived and treated became reality as if by magic. Or, rather, as if by hydrogen peroxide. Not only new acquaintances reacted to me differently - even old acquaintances, business partners and close friends reacted differently. There was more chevalieric opening of doors and more flirtatious grins. More often people without hesitation placed their babies in my arms. There was far more patience with my dramaqueen-tendencies and the fact that my personality is truly emotional, which sometimes make me absent minded, no matter what the colour of my hair might ever have been! I was perceived as less refractory but more obliging and I'll be damned if I didn't automatically receive more help without having to ask for it, too!
Jag har inte den minsta utbildning i målning eller teckning eller i hur man använder olika verktyg och tekniker på ett korrekt sätt. För att vara ärlig är jag är ganska säker på att jag misshandlar det mesta av mitt material på ett vis som i bästa fall måhända kan uppfattas som nyskapande men knappast ändamålsenligt.
Det är därför billig och värdelös hårspray köpt i all hast, och därför senare förpassad från badrumrumsskåpet, oftast hamnar som fixativ på mina pastellmålningar och inte i mitt hår.
Borde jag ompröva mina prioriteringar?
While - and inbetween - listening to music and complaining about certain kinds of artist's material and tools I sit and paint. "This is too that, and that is too this...!" I tell my partner in conversation. Since I'm fully aware I could never ever fool him into thinking I know what I'm talking about I dare to be quite rude in my opinions. We've always ended up as friends so far...
I don't have the slightest education in painting or drawing or how to use different tools and techniques in a proper way. To be honest I'm pretty sure I'm assaulting most of my material in ways that maybe might sound innovative but hardly adequate.
That's why cheap and useless hairsprays bought in a hurry, and therefore later dispached from the bathroom cupbord, more often end up as fixative on my pastel paintings than they do in my hair.
Should I reconsider my priorities?
Du nickade gillande mot din brors första barnbarn, och knappast visste du väl då att du i dessa heliga ögonblick lade grundstenen till det som blev min upptäckariver och skaparlust. Jag måste vara en viktig person, tänkte jag, som får dela ditt verktyg. Använda din Freja.
Jag har egna verktyg idag. Freja pryder en hedersplats i vardagsrummet. Jag blev aldrig någon sömmerska.
Det är inte Frejas fel.