fredag 30 oktober 2009


For various reasons we've been preparing for Halloween this year even if it's not an original tradition in Finland. There is always some debate going on wether the celebration of this feast should be allowed to interfere with the more traditional Solemnity of All Saints or Hallowmass, but for me...

... well, I just happened to find this pumpkin I could not resist!

My son did the carving. Quite nice, is it not, for an absolute beginner? Personally I have nothing to brag about. The pumpkin pie I tried to make both felt and tasted like oatmeal (porridge) in a tortilla bread. At least the roasted seeds turned out pretty tasty. I can sit here now pretending to be a bird, eating pumpkin seeds. Maybe also a little worm or two. *lol*

I always wanted to fly, though. For real.


tisdag 27 oktober 2009

måndag 26 oktober 2009

stubbornness inherited

"It will NEVER be so cold on my birthday the 26th of October that I wouldn't be able to walk barefoot around the house!" my father states and proves this every year to anyone willing to witness the event. Never mind the frost or the rime on the lawn or the fact that there some years has been up to 10 cms of snow on the ground - after all this IS Finland we're talking about here! - he just does it anyway.

Congratulations, dear Dad, and make sure to put on some socks afterwards! :-)


"Det kommer ALDRIG att vara så kallt på min födelsedag den 26:e oktober att jag inte skulle kunna promenera barfota runt huset!" påstår min far och bevisar detta varje år åt alla som vill bevittna företeelsen. Inte bryr sig han om frosten på gräsmattan eller det faktum att vi vissa år haft ända upp till 10 cm snö ifrågavarande datum - det är trots allt Finland vi talar om! - han bara gör det ändå.

Grattis, käre Far, och se till att dra på dig ett par sockor när du är klar! :-)



torsdag 22 oktober 2009


They are ugly, they are parasites and they attack dead or weakened birchtrees. You could say they are the necrophiles among sponges... Yet I find them adorable. Just can't help it.

onsdag 21 oktober 2009

die Angst

"Es gibt keine Grenzen.
Weder für Gedanken,
noch für Gefühle.
~ Es ist die Angst,
die immer Grenzen setst."

Ingmar Bergman

måndag 19 oktober 2009

"Nu e de jul igen, å nu e de jul igen, å nu e de jul igen..."

Sextonde oktober står en liten julpyntad gran på torget i Vasa, Finland, och frågar oss alla om det faktiskt e jul igen. Därmed är juldebatten igång. Huujeedamej.
October the 16th a little decorated Chistmas tree on the market quare of Vasa, Finland, is asking us the ever so crucial question: Is it really X-mas again? Thereby the debate has started. Oh my.

lördag 17 oktober 2009


torsdag 15 oktober 2009

thirty-four %

(click image for larger version)

söndag 11 oktober 2009

om att inte riktigt veta / to not really know

~ motljusfunderingar / backlight reflections ~


lördag 10 oktober 2009


Mother and son have been making chocolate cookies with marshmallow topping today and we plan on doing it again.

onsdag 7 oktober 2009

nothing ever ends

although out of sight
never out of heart

söndag 4 oktober 2009