onsdag 1 oktober 2008

Since when

(click image for enlarged version/klicka på bilden för större format)
... did the Nordic area become so dull and boring? This is how it looked in 1539, according to Carta Marina. Tell me, where did all the seamonsters and funny fishes go? And how come the right foot of mother Finnland has gotten so small since then?

"In Carta Marina there appears to have been a shift in projection, so that areas with good connections have been placed relatively close to one another".

Yes! That's the way to draw a map! Connections and relations before distance - I like that thought. I like it a lot.

Sedan när har Norden blivit så trist och tråkigt? Så här såg det ut år 1539, enligt Carta Marina. Säg mig, vart har alla sjöodjur och skojiga fiskar försvunnit? Och varför har moder Finlands högra fot blivit så liten sedan dess?

"På Carta Marina verkar projektionen ha förskjutits så att områden med goda förbindelser har placerats relativt nära varandra".

Ja! Så ska en karta ritas! Förbindelser och relationer framför avstånd - jag gillar den tanken. Jag gillar den mycket.

6 kommentarer:

Anonym sa...

I have a preference for such ancient things, very old-fashioned & looking like a punk! Opposites attract.

Anonym sa...

I must say, your english is very good :)

M sa...

How funny, I thought, how familiar this map looks to me. No wonder -- I have a print of the very same map on a wall here on the other side of the world. It is my favorite map. I love the sleighriding people crossing Kvarken! And the seamonsters of course!

Lady of the Lake sa...


Why would You settle for less when You can have it all! :-D


I must say, dear Tomas with the lead-pencil, that You are quite mistaken! However, I try to do my very best since a lot of my blogvisitors come from abroad. If I'm correctly informed by my counter statistics learning how to read and write German would have to be my next challenge...

*sigh* ;-)


I love this map, and I was reminded of it yesterday when I recieved the SFV-calendar 2008 and found an article about the music traditions of the Baltic Sea and its surroundings. I know life was no fairytale in 1539, just like it's no fairytale today, but it sort of amuses my mermaid soul to imagine all these sea-creatures and sleighrides across Kvarken and... well, You know what I mean. Life lacks magic and so do our maps - even if we're nowadays capable of googling the whole planet!

Why am I not surpriced You like it too, M? ;-)

Anonym sa...

So, my Lady of the Lake, what you are saying, is that my english is so bad that I am misstaking yours for beeing good?! :)

Lady of the Lake sa...

Are You, sir, insinuating that I might perhaps be questioning Your better judgement?

Well, I am! :-)

Och när ska DU börja blogga på spanska då?