söndag 4 januari 2009

wanting to fly

Skymningsljuset under en av de första januarieftermiddgarna färgar världen ljusblå medan jag från fönstret i mina föräldrars vardagsrum iakttar 10-12 små klargula dunbollar studsa omkring som i en tombola mellan gårdsbjörkarnas frusna grenar. Tillsynes bekymmerslösa men med fjäderskrudarna lätt uppburrade - det är trots allt minus 10 grader kallt - har de dykt upp som från ingenstans och lika fort förvinner de strax innan mörkret faller. Med en känsla av övergivenhet står jag kvar och fördömer min kamera vars objektiv inte tillåter någon egentlig skärpa på just det avståndet och i de ljusförhållandena.

Mest sörjer jag dock att jag inte har några vingar.
Jag har alltid velat flyga.

The light at dusk during one of the first afternoons in January colours the world in light shades of blue while I, from the window of my parents' living room, observe 10-12 tiny bright yellow featherbundles bounce around like in a raffle between the branches of the frozen garden birches. Seemingly careless and unconcerned, but with their feathering slightly ruffled up - after all it's minus 10 degrees celsius - they've rapidly gathered from nowhere and just as quickly they later disappear right before dark. Feeling a little left behind I condemn my camera which lense does not allow any higher definiton in that distance and in those conditions of light.

Most of all, however, I grieve my lack of wings.
I've always wanted to fly.

7 kommentarer:

Anonym sa...

what a beautiful gathering!
thank you for these soulful pictures

Anonym sa...

Beautiful, beautiful, beautiful.

Lady of the Lake sa...


Thanks! Got no bumblebees this time of year, got to stick to the slightly larger species... ;-)


Thank You, thank You, thank You.

Craftsman of light sa...

So touchingly beautiful,colourful wings surviving, so we may lift up our eyes thankful to life.

Lady of the Lake sa...

Thank You, J - and indeed, we should be thankful!

But I still want wings. ;-)

Anonym sa...

Thats a pretty nice pict from the sitting bird.
Well done, Martina

Lady of the Lake sa...

Thank You, Martina, for Your nice comment! I've alweays been fascinated with birds and this special afternoon I for once managed to get close enough. :-)

I'll soon check out Your blog aswell!