lördag 31 januari 2009
tisdag 27 januari 2009
the silence of the siren
söndag 25 januari 2009
torsdag 22 januari 2009
tisdag 20 januari 2009

"Din hud är säkert bara torr" kom svaret ifrån rummet intill.
Va!? Torr? Min hud? MIN? Aldrig att JAG skulle ha torr hu...
Nå, tre år senare sitter man då här och läser på hudlotiontubens innehållsdeklaration att smörjan innehåller coenzym Q 10 och druvkärnolja. Jag har ingen aning om vad det innebär eller ska vara bra för och resten av texten är än mer obegriplig. På en blogg läser jag att genomsnittkvinnans hud under en livstid absorberar hela 10 kg kemikalier och jag känner mig tillfälligt lättad över att inte vara den där "genomsnittskvinnan", men att mitt huvud sannolikt ändå är i farozonen av både smink och hårvårdsprodukter. Ett tag funderar jag över huruvida det kanske egentligen vore hälsosammare att använda lotiontubens skarpa fog till att helt sonika skrapa de kliande ställena med, än att långsamt balsameras såsom faraonerna - men i de mer moderna kemikalierna från innehållet i tuben. Jag funderar också över ifall det egentligen skulle fungera lika bra med vanlig olivolja men kommer fram till att jag hellre låter den smörja kråset än skinnet.
Jag menar, varför ska man kämpa så fördärvat med detta kroppens största organ - som huden ju faktiskt är - när man ändå vissa dagar känner att den är i det närmaste obefintlig? Insmord eller inte.
Since life right now sucks a bit more than usual I'll grab the opportunity to write about something as trivial as bodylotion. For ages I've belonged to the fortunate ones who manage to go through half their lives without feeling the need to anoint themselves, neither here nor there. Therefore, during the midwinter months of 2005-6, I was confronted with a sudden surprise, a serious dilemma and an abrupt awakening to the fact that I could not escape getting older. At first I thought my itchy back was caused by some kind of nettle rash or that I might have had an allergic reaction to our new detergent. Or could the situation really be so bad that I, myself - or woe and horror, the whole family! - had become infected with scabies? Or maybe bugs? After a while the inside of my thighs, just above the knees, started to itch too. "What IS it?!" I moaned one evening infront of anybody who might have an answer - still wearing only a towel after stepping out of the shower, "What is WRONG with me?!"
"Your skin is probably just dry," the reply from the room next door emerged.
Huh? Dry? My skin? MY skin could impossibly be...
Now, three years later, I sit here with a package of bodylotion in my hand and I read from the product declaration that it contains coenzyme Q 10 and grapekernel oil. I have no idea what it is or what it should be good for, and the rest of the text is even more incomprehensible. On a blog elsewhere I read that during a lifetime the skin of the average woman absorbs as much as 10 kg (22 pounds) of chemicals - and I feel temporarily relieved not to be her:"the average woman" - but still fear that my head most likely is at risk after years using both makeup and hair products. For a while I wonder whether it might actually be healthier to use the sharp seam at the end of the lotion tube to simply scratch my itchy bodyparts with, rather than to slowly become embalmed like the pharaones - but in modern chemicals from the content. I also wonder whether it would actually work just as well to use regular olive oil, but come to the conclusion I prefer it on the inside of my body, rather than on the outside lubricating my skin.
Now really, why does one have to fight so damn hard just to please the largest organ of the human body - which the skin in fact is - when it (the skin) some days feels like if it was close to non-existent anyway? Anointed or not.
torsdag 15 januari 2009
onsdag 14 januari 2009
you are

You are the resurrection of my soul
to ecstasy in what is real,
so the air touches me hot as fire
like a sea of glass that I feel,
and the power of my eyes,
so that numbly they catch a glimmer
of how all the colours flame out
in a drunken shimmer.
You are the strength of my will,
You give me a fortitude
to wait and to act,
that I have never had,
Yes my senses' hunger,
that incite me and pursue,
becomes rejoicing every day
because it is for You.
You are the ripeness of my life.
You make me whole.
Out of my past now gathers
each thread and smallest dole.
On a hundred different roads
I have walked and strived.
Now they meet. It is towards You
That I have lived.
~ Karin Boye (swedish original here)
tisdag 13 januari 2009
måndag 12 januari 2009
the twelfth day
"Jag är inte riktigt mig själv
och det är jag glad för
folk som går omkring och hojtar
att nu vågar dom äntligen vara sig själva
är irriterande.
Dom är som liksom ystra.
Jag vill mycket hellre göra verklighet av någon helt annan
än mig själv." ~ Kristina Lugn
Ja, tack. Om det bara gick. Jag är illa rädd att jag får släpa med mig själv genom alla mina levnadsår vare sig jag vill det eller inte. Nu ska ingen tro att jag anser mig vara fulländad i min imperfektion (!) och inte önskar förändring på flertalet områden, men några nyårslöften ger jag inte. Det är nämligen inte ändamålsenligt, eftersom det enda eventuella löfte jag kommer att tänka på samtidigt får mig att vilja ta till flaskan, kedjeröka och bita på naglarna. Tomtarna samlar sig automatiskt på loftet medan bjällerklanget klingar mellan öronen och omöjliggör samtliga tänkbara språkkurser och är det något som borde feng shuias ut är det mina gamla spöken och inget annat. Efter alla vaknätter pga av allt kaffedrickande orkar jag nog knappast med något gym heller och det där livet som skulle bli NYTT NYTT NYTT ter sig med ens mest som en gammal disktrasa med den värsta bakteriehärd.
Nej jag vill inte det jag vill och inte vill jag det jag inte vill heller. Alltså tvingar jag mig ändå att ta itu med det.
Ja. I år. Detta nådenes 2009.
It is the month of January this year of God's grace 2009 and I am struggling with expectations to the brim of my personal cup. Both my own and those of others, towards others and towards myself. Still stuffed with Christmas and gnomes and gingerbread and carols and New Year's fireworks I am quite pleased that the next big holiday is far away. Time passes slowly, so slowly - and far too quickly! I'm surrounded by people who just like me haven't made any new years resolutions but nevertheless are trying to cut back on the use of cigarettes or coffee or booze or carbohydrates. They've joined in on a gymprogramme or a language course or at least they've finally started to feng shui their closest to get rid of all old unused rags, 'cause damn it! - it is the year 2009 and life will indeed have to become brand NEW NEW NEW...
"I don't really feel like myself
and that makes me happy
I'd much rather be someone else
People who are constantly running around shouting:
"Finally, I dare to be me!" I find irritating
They are in some way frisky
I would much rather make reality of someone else
than me" ~ Kristina Lugn (improvised translation by LothL)
Yes, please. If only it was possible. I do fear though, that I will have to endure my own company for as long as I live whether I like it or not. Now, do not be mislead by my words - I do not consider myself to be perfect in my imperfections (!) and I do wish for a change regarding many areas, but new years resolutions are not for me. It would be deeply unappropriate, since the only promise I can think of makes me want to grab the bottle, become a chain smoker and bite my nails. Gnomes automatically gather in my attic while jingle bells continue to ring between my ears and thereby prevent me from attending any sort of language course and if there would be anything in need of a proper feng shui, it would probably be my own old ghosts and nothing else. After all sleepless nights because of the increased coffee drinking I could hardly manage a gymprogramme either and the life that was supposed to become brand NEW NEW NEW would suddenly take on the appearance of an old washcloth with the worst bacterial fauna ever.
No, I do not want what I want and I do not want what I do not want either. So I'm forced to deal with it anyway.
Yes. This year. This 2009 of God's grace.
lördag 10 januari 2009
muddy waters
fredag 9 januari 2009
torsdag 8 januari 2009
In time...
"Where grace is" : Lady of the Lake 2007
For those of You who wonder why my planned and promised CD was not released* yet I want to announce: It will, it will! These things always take longer than You think - in other words the process is delayed - and in the meantime I will simply have to direct You to "Where grace is". For the time being it is my only officially published composition.
Thank You for Your patience!
*Much thanks to this little piece of music (yes I'm the composer and the performer) - very simply recorded at home I was able to get a scolarship aiming at the production of my first real studiorecorded CD. The release was planned to be held late autumn 2008 but unfortunately it's been delayed. When I first published "Where grace is" on my blog I didn't have any other intensions by doing so, than to share some thoughts in the shape of a song and I never expected all the encouragment I got as a result.
För er som undrar vart min utlovade skiva tagit vägen vill jag bara meddela att den kommer, den kommer! Dylikt tar ju alltid längre tid än man tror - processen är alltså försenad - och under tiden får ni helt enkelt nöja er med "Where grace is" som tills vidare är den min enda officiellt publicerade egna komposition.
Tack för ert tålamod!
tisdag 6 januari 2009

söndag 4 januari 2009
Confusion in the world of stormtroopers
... or how to insult a baby-stormtrooper...
"Don't cry, my little friend."
"What on earth are You doing!?!"
"Back off or I'll shoot... ooooops...!"
(baby crying)
(the end)
Tough guys with big weapons and small brains!
Tuffa killar med stora vapen och små hjärnor!
wanting to fly
Mest sörjer jag dock att jag inte har några vingar.
Jag har alltid velat flyga.
The light at dusk during one of the first afternoons in January colours the world in light shades of blue while I, from the window of my parents' living room, observe 10-12 tiny bright yellow featherbundles bounce around like in a raffle between the branches of the frozen garden birches. Seemingly careless and unconcerned, but with their feathering slightly ruffled up - after all it's minus 10 degrees celsius - they've rapidly gathered from nowhere and just as quickly they later disappear right before dark. Feeling a little left behind I condemn my camera which lense does not allow any higher definiton in that distance and in those conditions of light.
Most of all, however, I grieve my lack of wings.
I've always wanted to fly.

lördag 3 januari 2009
fredag 2 januari 2009
the second day

Have I missed out on something?