fredag 1 maj 2009

million dollar bracelet

I'm not the bling-bling kind of girl, but when safetypins and tiny plasticpearls together look like a million dollar bracelet it's possible to convince me of wearing it. My hours spent at work are some days really worth their while and lately we've been making our own jewellery.
Best of all, for every little pearl there's a laughter, and of course: if You ever needed a safetypin - which You WILL, eventually! - You would know where to find one.

5 kommentarer:

M sa...

Omg, you get paid to make jewellery at your job? Heck, sign me up! ;-)
I'm just a tad envious of your situation!!

Tomas Blyerts sa...

Det SER faktiskt väldigt dyrt ut :)

larsekorre sa...

A million dollar bracelet for a million dollar Lady!

Wortman sa...

whats the matter, that the comments now are moderated?

Lady of the Lake sa...


If it's of any consolation to You, dear M, it's not everyday my work is this poshed up with accessoars... :-)


Ja, visst gör det. Not that it really matters. Jag är mer fascinerad av det faktum att man kan bära 72 säkerhetsnålar på det här sättet. :-)


Hmmm!!! Fake it 'til You make it, liksom! ;-)


Nothing's the matter, dear W. I've just been abscent from the blogsphere more than usual and checking the comments myself before publishing them is just a way for me to keep track of what is happening. *cyberhug* :-)