Well, well... what doYou know!
Thank You, [CARLOS] !
onsdag 27 maj 2009
måndag 25 maj 2009
lördag 23 maj 2009
toys to be taken seriously
Last wednesday I attended an event called "Ihanko pihalla?" held in Vasa, Finland. Among many brilliant performances and superb items exhibited these dolls made by young artist Carlos Nabb made an impression. I promise to get back to You with an update on the artist as soon as I manage to get some more information.
fredag 22 maj 2009
torsdag 21 maj 2009
Inte klokt hur mycket talang som samlats inom den här familjen! :-)
Brorsans och brorsfruns fotograferings- och designföretag presenteras härmed.
Brorsans och brorsfruns fotograferings- och designföretag presenteras härmed.
It's crazy how much talent has gathered into this family! :-)
Let me introduce to You the photography- and designcompany of my brother and my sister in law.
onsdag 20 maj 2009
ärevördig lady bostik
Ibland kan en trevlig överraskning som förgyller dagen bestå av att en invånare från planeten Bostik plötsligt och oväntat en helt vanlig eftermiddag landar på ens skrivbord. Tack, D!
Sometimes a nice surprise to enhance the quality of an ordinary afternoon may take the form of an inhabitant of the planet Bostik suddenly and unexpectedly landing on one's working desk. Thanks, D!
måndag 18 maj 2009
söndag 10 maj 2009
torsdag 7 maj 2009
måndag 4 maj 2009
Så vackert som...
... det bara kan bli en vårkväll på Pavis i Jakobstad! Tack till er som var där i lördags, både nya och gamla bekanta, och Ann! - ibland träffar du huvudet på spiken utan att du ens är medveten om att du håller i hammaren. *KRAM*
söndag 3 maj 2009
the abyss
Christian - only a few minutes before the mysterious disappearance
A: Hmm...
Ch: *sigh* We are stuck and we do not know where we are. Could life possibly get more symbolical than that? Well. That might be a slight exaggeration...
A: No. It's exactly what it's like. And the mud is ALIVE.
Ch: Yes. Maybe there's a great abyss down there that will swallow us whole, and then there will be nothing left of us when they come to rescue us.
A: With a tractor, mark my words.
Ch: Hmm. Swallowed by the earth.
fredag 1 maj 2009
million dollar bracelet
I'm not the bling-bling kind of girl, but when safetypins and tiny plasticpearls together look like a million dollar bracelet it's possible to convince me of wearing it. My hours spent at work are some days really worth their while and lately we've been making our own jewellery.
Best of all, for every little pearl there's a laughter, and of course: if You ever needed a safetypin - which You WILL, eventually! - You would know where to find one.